The sound of a safe future

The sound of a safe future

Lockdown Austria
The important things first...
The Boutique Hotel Das Tigra will help you manage your booking even during the lockdown!

1 flexible rate: You can cancel your booking free of charge (e-mail address, support phone number or cancellation link in your booking confirmation).
Alternatively, you can contact our hotel directly and postponeyour booking at no extra cost.

2 Non-refundable rate: You can cancel your booking free of charge (e-mail address, support phone number or cancellation link in your booking confirmation). The total amount will be credited within 24 hours.
Alternatively, you can contact our hotel directly and postponeyour booking at no extra cost.

If you have any questions or something is unclear, our Tigra team is always at your side with advice and action - just contact us!
Thank you for your cooperation!

Check our price and availability calendar

Your Tigra team

3 reasons to stay with us

Mozart lived with his father and sister from mid-October to December 1762 in the hotel 'Das Tigra'!That means - to be honest, because at that time our beautiful house was not yet a hotel - the Mozart family lived with Gottlieb Friedrich Fischer in the historical part of our house, which dates back to the 16th century.

The hotel is located in the historic city center of Vienna.All nearby sights can be easily reached on foot.

Family owned hotel with personal service.The time spent in the hotel is a time of comfort and coziness. We will attentively look after you so that your Vienna becomes the Vienna that we all love.

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